Eastern Door Centre
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National and international research collaborations are key components of the ED model. This entails national and global collaborations with university researchers and research networks. Locally an on-going Participant Action Research (PAR) process informs practice. In 2015 the ED organized the Elsipogtog Education Wellness Ethics Committee to guide research undertaken in the community.

The Eastern Door was involved in two CIHR projects. One was an Indigenous Catalyst Grant looking at how to use a TES process in assessing Iron Deficiency. The other was a NEIHR grant looking at the development of a model for an Indigenous research center in the Atlantic Provinces.

Eastern Door is involved with the Canada FASD Research Network (CanFASD) whose goal is to build research capacity across Canada to address high-priority areas such as: prevention, diagnosis, intervention, epidemiology, justice and child welfare – in order to better inform policy decisions.

An interactive version of the test tool is indevelopment that will link to a database and will be available to other clinics to assist in collecting research data.

Articles, Book Chapters and Manuals

External Evaluations